Blue Siamese Fish Fish Tails: Fish... and their role in Love

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fish... and their role in Love

             This post is done by direct request when I mentioned this belief at a get together... because I thought it was funny, anyway.


That being said...

             So, the belief that I mentioned that brought all this about is about a means to get a man to fall in love with a woman. The belief is that if a woman wants a man to fall in love with her, she will 1) get a live fish. 2) put the live fish into her vagina 3) keep it there until it dies 4) cook the fish and finally 5) serve it to the man whom she wishes to fall for her.
            So amongst my friends I had the one that was concerned about killing the fish, and the other wondering why the hell you would put a fish there in the first place.... and me, wondering how this would even become a valid belief in the first place.
              First off I want to know who came up with this idea that this would work. What the heck linked fish to love potions... I mean, I know some seafood is considered an aphrodisiac, but that's usually shell fish. Not fish, fish.
              After some research I found some reasons for the initial idea. I'm sure most of you recognize this symbol here...
     Yes folks, the Jesus fish. Well, the Christian fish I guess, I always wondered what this had to do with Christianity and someone told me it was in honor of the Jesus fish miracle... which I still thought was weird that THAT'S what they focus on, but then I guess a lot of fish was important back then... whatever, I let it be at that BUT I found something else that says that pagans too, once used this symbol.
      This makes sense, I mean, a lot of symbols were used by other religions and adopted left and right... so what? Well, in pagan beliefs, the fish IS a symbol for sexuality and fertility... because the fish drawing up above represents... wait for it... a vagina.... Sometimes I think everyone back in the day were a bunch of prepubescent teens. BUT... I guess if you think about it... it sort of makes sense. I mean... just look at the drawing. really.
       I guess it started because originally the fish was drawn as two overlapping crescent moons... which represented a woman's monthly cycle. So there's that. Then there's some mythologies that associate fish in helping with the birth of either the world, or the goddesses of fertility, depending on which beliefs you look up. So okay... Fish and fertility. Right. That question is solved... leaving my next question.

        How much thought does one actually put into this before doing it. I mean really, you have to think. You have this woman, and she's seriously considering suffocating an animal with herself. Like... that alone requires some thought I guess, but then there's the type of fish. I mean, that's something you'd want to think about. You're not just going to go and shove a Marlin up in there. You've gotta think, size, scales, what the man will actually EAT.... I mean seriously. You don't just want to go out, and use the first thing you catch right.

Look at those spines... um... ouch.

And teeth man. Some fish DO have them... and they hurt. I've been bit by one of these effers before and it's not too pleasant.

I'm thinking maybe one's best bet would be trout or salmon ... but even then

yeah... whatever guy a girl wanted I'd hope he was really worth that kind of effort. I'd say ladies, stick to just simple dinners out...

oh, ps- I have another blog full of distractions I have other than fish... visit here if interested  A Medly of Distractions

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