Blue Siamese Fish Fish Tails: Fish, in the Western Zodiac

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fish, in the Western Zodiac

         I decided it was time for a more, mythology based entry, as fish are everywhere. And in the western zodiac there are two and a half fish, and one shell fish... I'll discuss a bit on the two and a half fish, because I don't feel like discussing shellfish right now.
        So first off, the two fish, which are, of course, Pisces.
The mythology surrounding Pisces is that when the monster Typhon started rampaging around, the Goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros, transformed into fish to escape him, tying their tails together with a bit of string to keep from losing each other. Other fish then came and helped to hide them. So later, the constellation was put into the sky in order to honor the fish that saved the Goddess of Beauty and God of Love.
     So yeah, guys. Thank those fish for beauty and love in the world, otherwise who knows what kind of place we'd live in.
     Pisces is, of course a water sign, and a mutable one. Which means that they have a longing for movement and a tendency towards restlessness. Back before this 13th zodiac nonsense people fell under this sign born between February 20th and March 20th. In case any of y'all wanted to know. Anyway, you can look up zodiac personalities elsewhere, I'm just stating the myths right now.

     The half fish is Capricorn.
Capricorn, the sea goat, actually is very hard to find the mythology behind, and there seem to be two.
      The first, similar to Pisces, is that when Typhon was attacking, Pan jumped into the water as well, to avoid him, and his bottom half became that of a fish, while his top half became that of a goat. When he saw the monster attacking Zeus, he used his pipes to make a sound that scared the creature off (who knew) and Zeus, in thanks, set his image in the sky.
    The other is that Capricorn was the father of all sea goats, and they were an intelligent species, but his children would constantly pull themselves out of the water to bask in the sun, and as time went on, they evolved into the goats we have today. Capricorn, saddened by the loss of all his children to land, was put into the sky so he could watch over them all (well, that's the abridged version anyway)
    Capricorn is one of the Cardinal signs and is said to be stubborn and unmoving. The sign again, before the new zodiac is said to start on the winter solstice December 21st and go to January 20th.

           Anyway, that about wraps up my western zodiac myths on the fish. More myths to come eventually from other places. (And the pictures are mine. please to not steal)


  1. LOVE the pictures!

    Can you please draw all the zodiac sometime?

  2. Thanks ^^. I'm actually working on it lol, I have a few more ideas already.
